We're at a Navajo campground at Canyon DeChelly, which has wifi, so I'm sitting in the little camp office trying to get the blog squared away and updated, and check email, etc. while the rest of the family sleeps. If you look through our previous posts, you may notice I added a picture or two, and finished the tale of the sand dunes hike.

We were at Mesa Verde the last two nights, and we had to laugh, because once again, just as we pulled into camp, it rained, and this morning, as we packed up, it started raining again! So today as we drove here, we just navigated by driving toward the darkest clouds on the horizon, and got here without missing a turn!
Can't complain, though, because we got a nice hike in this afternoon, with only a few sprinkles. No pics downloaded yet of DeChelly, but I sure took a few!
Speaking of weather, we are getting some classic

desert climate; warm days but CHILLY nights. For example, our first morning waking up at Mesa Verde looked like this:>

But we had a great day, and had the good fortune to get as our Ranger guide for the Cliff Palace, one Mark Andrews, who had a breadth of knowledge that was remarkable, a wry sense of humor that was spot-on, and an easygoing, self effacing manner that made him easily approachable. When we heard that he is retiring in two weeks, we felt extraordinarily lucky. We knew we were in the presence of greatness, that not many more people will get to experience, at least in that capacity. I will end this post wishing him a happy, adventurous retirement.
Is this the trip from h**l? Your spirits and attitude are incredible, but it does sound rather... cold, wet, hungry... certainly not a vacation! I promise you dry beds and warm showers when you get here. The forecast for the next few days looks to be dryer, although the nights will still be cold, so, hopefully, life will look better again... Keep up the amazing attitude!
"Holy Challenging Trip Batman"!*?
This trip is reminding me of some Outward Bound trips I had with the juvies:snow and all! But, aside from the deliquent adults, you have INCREDIBLE kids!! In fact, I am going to haul all 3 of my huskies over to the Ashes to meet up with you guys--since they love that breed...
Love the frosted over coffee pot! Wow, you guys are amazing! The weather seems to be making it even more memorable, but hope it gets better! Keep up the great blogs!
Hey there road trippers! We're having fun following along! Soak it all in (ha ha).
Hey Carroll et al;
"Motel 6, and we'll leave the light on for 'ya!!" :{)
Incredible 'road rules tails of terror'! It reminded us of the weather we had on the Middle Fork Salmon trip we all did together w/ Bobby Lad and the NOC crowd years back PK (pre-kids). Wasn't it Zeb Gray who coined the 'that which doesn't kill you will make you strong' motto of life? Keep up the great postings, and 'keep the faith'.
Dennis and Nancy, KK and Hannah
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